What is SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting offers a powerful business-to-consumer message delivery system. Our Voicemail Broadcast service allows you to deposit your marketing sales message or recorded sales pitch directly into residential telephone voicemail boxes. This efficient approach ensures that your message reaches potential customers, providing an effective way to solicit and engage with your audience. Maximize your marketing efforts with Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting and see the difference in your customer outreach.
Introducing the Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast by SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS, a revolutionary tool designed to deliver your recorded business message directly to voicemail without ringing the recipient’s phone. This automatic ringless Voicemail Broadcast system ensures your message reaches the target audience efficiently and unobtrusively.
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is an advanced marketing and lead generation tool, perfect for businesses looking to maximize their outreach efforts. Experience the power of direct voicemail delivery and elevate your marketing campaigns with this innovative solution.
Why use SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?
Don’t waste valuable time manually dialing potential customers. Did you know that nearly 85% of sales calls or customer retention calls end up in voicemail without ever reaching a live person? This inefficiency means that your sales or customer service staff can only make 50 to 70 calls per day, limiting your outreach.
With SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast, you can bypass this hurdle entirely. Our advanced system allows you to deliver recorded messages directly to voicemail, increasing efficiency and ensuring your message is heard. Maximize your team’s productivity and reach more customers with our automated solution.
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast frees you from the tedious routine of outbound cold calling and leaving repetitive messages in client voicemail boxes. Instead, maximize your efficiency by focusing on negotiating inbound customer calls. Use your time wisely with our automated system that delivers your message directly to voicemail, allowing you to engage more effectively with interested clients.
Focus on what you do best. Eliminate mundane activities such as:
- Dialing phone numbers,
- Ringing the phone,
- Waiting for an answer,
- Negotiating with reception,
- Be put on hold,
- Wait for the right party to attend the phone, etc
- Get thrown into voicemail
- Verbally repeat another message into voice mail
All this consumes valuable time and extends your sales cycle. Instead of paying your sales staff to make arduous outbound calls, let them focus on negotiating and closing sales on inbound calls. Expedite your outbound campaigns with unparalleled speed. With SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast, you can make thousands of cold calls per day, streamlining your process and maximizing efficiency. Spend less time dialing and more time closing deals.
What is SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting used for?
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast can be used for:
- Follow-up to a direct mail campaign
- Cold calling potential customers
- Client retention and appreciation calls
- Mass deliver a specific voice such as that of a CEO, or President
- Mass disseminate timely or critical information on short notice.
- Voicemail Marketing
Best of all, your clients will never know you used SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. The system delivers messages so clearly that it sounds as if you personally called and left the voicemail yourself. This seamless delivery ensures that your message maintains a personal touch, enhancing client trust and engagement. Additionally, our system allows for personalized message options, further tailoring the experience to each recipient. With SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS, you combine efficiency with a personal touch, maximizing the impact of your outreach efforts.
How SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting came to be
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast was developed to leverage the expanding phone voicemail infrastructure. Designed to avoid interruptive telemarketing calls, especially during inconvenient times like dinner hours, this system ensures your voice messages are delivered without disturbing anyone. Our innovative technology provides a hassle-free alternative for reaching clients, allowing your messages to be received and listened to at their convenience. With SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS, you can enhance your outreach strategy while maintaining respect for your clients’ time and privacy.
Designed for mass communication, SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast offers a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. This method, also known as voicemail marketing or voicemail drops, allows businesses to deliver clear, personalized messages to thousands of recipients without high costs. By using SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS, you can maximize your marketing efforts, ensuring your messages are delivered directly to voicemail, making it both efficient and unobtrusive. This innovative approach to communication helps you connect with your audience effectively, driving engagement and results without the expense of traditional methods.
Who can use SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?
Any company looking to maximize their outbound phone calls and deliver marketing messages to residential consumers can benefit from SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. This service allows businesses to reach a wide audience efficiently. Companies currently using outbound call centers for residential calls can significantly reduce costs by switching to SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast, ensuring effective message delivery without the high expense of traditional calling methods.
Companies needing a consistent, precisely worded sales pitch delivered on a large scale will benefit from SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. This service ensures your message is consistently delivered to a broad audience, enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
What is the success rate with SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?
Your success rate hinges on the quality of your message and the excellence of your product or service. SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting amplifies and accelerates your existing success rate. Since 1997, our clients have experienced remarkable results with SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting, consistently supporting the service to this day. By leveraging our advanced voicemail broadcast system, you can efficiently reach a wider audience, ensuring your message is delivered effectively and boosting your overall campaign success. Trust in a proven solution with a track record of helping businesses thrive.
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting vs. Auto-Dialer
It is illegal for an auto-dialer system to ring a phone and solicit products or services to new customers. The only legal method to reach new clients with voicemail marketing is through SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. This system ensures compliance with regulations while effectively delivering your marketing message directly to voicemail without ringing the phone, providing a legal and efficient way to expand your customer base.
Why use Voice Mail as a medium?
- People will always listen to their voice mail. You will have a guaranteed listener-ship to your message. SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast recipients will be forced to listen to your message.
- Voice mail is not consuming fax paper or fax toner, and not intrusive.
- Your own voice adds a human touch, is as persuasive as you want it to be, and very personal. Your clients will appreciate a personal call. A personal call carries more value than email or direct mail campaigns.
- Your clients will never know, you used SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast to Clone your voice and multiply your phone calling efforts.
- SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast costs less than your employee’s base pay.
- SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is a faster campaign due to no training required and costs much less than your traditional call center.
- Email lists are very transient. Telephone numbers are more reliable and don’t change as often, therefore your campaign will be more successful with a phone list, instead of an email list.
How SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting works
Using the SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast system is as simple as leaving a voicemail by phone. Each client receives a secure voicemail box to record their message on our central recording server. While clients are responsible for creating and recording their own script, we offer professional assistance to help with both the scriptwriting and recording process. Our in-house experts ensure your message is clear, professional, and impactful, making it easy to leverage this powerful marketing tool effectively.
Using the SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast system is as simple as leaving a voicemail by phone. Each client receives a secure voicemail box to record their message on our central recording server. While clients are responsible for creating and recording their own script, we offer professional assistance to help with both the scriptwriting and recording process. Our in-house experts ensure your message is clear, professional, and impactful, making it easy to leverage this powerful marketing tool effectively.
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting benefits
- Fuses the power of direct mail and telemarketing for a fraction of the cost
- Quick turnaround time (less than 24 hours)
- Guaranteed delivery
- Reaches thousands of people in a matter of minutes
- No production cost
- Access and deliver your message from any touch-tone telephone
- Can target specific geographic areas
- Boasts guaranteed listener ship
- Extremely non-intrusive as message goes directly to voicemail without ever ringing the telephone
- One-to-one medium
- Much more cost-effective than conventional telemarketing
- Millions of phone numbers across North America (estimated growth of 30% per year)
- Infinite market applications
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting telephone number lists
We meticulously research and develop our own telephone number lists for your use. If you need a specific list that isn’t readily available, you can request to have it researched at no additional cost, depending on available resources. Our comprehensive list research covers both business and residential telephone numbers, ensuring you have access to accurate and targeted contact information for your marketing campaigns. This dedication to quality and precision helps maximize the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.
1. What is SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?
SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting is a ringless, automatic voice message delivery system. We take your recorded message and deliver it directly into residential voicemail boxes without ringing the phone. This ringless auto-dialer service ensures your message reaches the intended recipients seamlessly and unobtrusively, providing an efficient and effective marketing solution.
2. How do you deliver a recorded message?
We access the local phone company’s computer system to deliver a recorded voice message directly into a resident’s voicemail box. This seamless integration ensures that your message is accurately and efficiently placed into the recipient’s voicemail without causing any disturbance, providing a reliable and unobtrusive method to reach your audience effectively.
3. How do I get started?
- First, book your campaign
- Pre-pay for the service
- Then, record your message
- This service is pre-paid, or OAC
4. How fast can my campaign start?
We require a 24-hour notice for all services. This advance notice ensures we have ample time to prepare and deliver your messages efficiently, guaranteeing optimal performance and timely delivery to your target audience.
5.How many messages can you deliver?
We have the capability to deliver thousands of messages per day. This high-volume capacity allows you to reach a large audience quickly and efficiently, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts and ensuring your message is heard by as many people as possible in a short time.
6. When do you make the calls?
Our services operate from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. This extended timeframe ensures maximum reach and flexibility, allowing us to deliver your messages at optimal times throughout the day to engage your target audience effectively.
7. How do I pay for the service?
This service is available on a pre-paid basis or on approved credit (OAC). This flexibility allows you to choose the payment method that best suits your needs, ensuring convenient and accessible options for utilizing our services.
8. Where do I get a contact list of phone numbers to call?
We provide you with a comprehensive phone list tailored to your campaign needs. This ensures that your outreach is targeted and effective, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts by reaching the right audience.
9. Who records the message?
While you have the option to record the message yourself, we also offer the services of our in-house staff who can professionally record it for you at no additional cost. This ensures your message is clear and impactful, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaign.
10. What is the maximum length of the message?
The maximum length for each message is 30 seconds. This ensures that your message is concise and impactful, capturing the recipient’s attention quickly and effectively within the optimal time frame.
11. What does the message sound like after its delivered?
The quality of the delivered message is identical to your original recording. This ensures that your message maintains its clarity and professionalism, making a strong impression on your audience exactly as you intended.
12.How should my message be structured?
With SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast, your message should have the following structure; Hello, its Jim Parker from XYZ company, sorry I missed you, I am calling to inform you about our great services. I think you will benefit greatly, and your return on investment will be realized very quickly. Please call me at 800 962 1802 when you have a moment to discuss your servicing needs. Thank you.
- Political campaigns,
- Insurance
- Radio station (ratings week, contests)
- Health club, sports club, fitness membership
- Lotteries,
- Nonprofit (Red cross, Heart & stroke)
- Water bottle, water purification
- Long distance phone services
- Dating service
- Lawn Care
- Skin clinic
- Maid service
- Baby sitting
- Children’s funds (university), education fund
- Newspaper subscription and retention
- Auto tune up, care, winterizing.
- Carpet cleaning, home services
- Credit card signup
- Real Estate agents
- Time Share vacations
- Auto sales, openings,
- Auctions (art, auto, rugs)
- Energy (Hydro, gas)
- Duct cleaning,
- Continuing education (the learning annex)
- Special events (home show, Molson Indy, circus, etc)
- Marketing Firms (client marketing campaigns)
- Tax preparation
- RRSP contributions (banks, etc,)
- Call centers
- Junk removal services
- Direct marketing service companies
- Trade show companies
- Auto emergency (CAA)
- Firewood delivery services
- Mortgage services
- Non-profit
- Home alarm systems
- Unions
- Auto rental
- Web marketing awareness
- Branding
- Event notices.
- Financial planning
Ringless Voice Broadcasting
Bring in MILLIONS in Minutes!! All NEW business just waiting for your message! INSTANT RESULTS – NO MORE NON SENSE!! A NEW ERA in Responsible Marketing Messaging
Leave a voicemail message on a highly pre-qualified prospects cell phone without EVER ringing their phone. All these people were previously unreachable other than via direct mail at a dollar a letter or more. Imagine being able to finally contact people through their cell phones legally with no hassles at a fraction of the cost. Consumers cannot pass up a HOT NEW OFFER!! Have your sales team swamped with FRESH inbound calls with everyone being active buyer and is PRE-QUALIFIED!! This NEW technology combined with a Sprint Data targeted lists is a formula for BIG RESULTS. Sending your message to nonqualified prospects will not produce the desired results. Sending a message to Pre-Qualified Active Buyers is producing incredible results instantly. Try some of our NYSE-Direct.com list recommendations below